A gift to will keep on giving
We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2020, we’ve been driven to empower people to create a better world and thrive in their professional and personal lives. By helping people who are committed to helping others, you can be assured of an exponential return on any gift. STEMxx Chats™ operates under the direction of 501(c)(3) non-profit Future Chats,™ Inc. Donor acknowledgement letters can be provided and please see below for more details.
Contact Us
For inquiries related to donations contact us at futurexxchats@gmail.com.
Futurexx Chats, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit doing business as STEMxx Chats and Future Chats. EIN: 85-3773233
What can you make possible today?
Enable one young woman to attend our Summer Workshop & Meet Up who otherwise couldn't due to financial constraints: $375.
Enable one young person to use our open-access app under development by helping to cover storage fees: estimated at $450/yr.
Help us continue our training, empowering, and supporting through your gift of any size.
Contact Us
For inquiries related to donations contact us at futurechatsinc@gmail.com.
Future Chats,™ Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit doing business as STEMxx Chats™ and Future Chats.™ EIN: 85-3773233
Easy Ways to Support Us Today
Checks made payable to Future Chats
PO Box 95084
Newton, MA 02495